5 steps to enable AR & VR training for employees

Aged 22 to 37, millennials form a dominant part of the current workforce across the globe, eclipsing other generations by a significant number. A recent survey revealed that training ground is changing rapidly with the change in the workforce. While Gen X preferred videos to learn, Millennials and Gen Z incline towards simulations for learning. Companies have started to switch from traditional methods of training to updated ones. Despite the advancement in the technologies, AR and VR still have a long way to go before they are picked up for commonplace business practices.

It may appear that the change in the training landscape is subtle and will require minimal adjustments from an IT perspective. However, it couldn’t be farther than the truth. Moving to augmented reality and virtual reality simulations require a lot of work – more robust IoT, higher bandwidth to deliver simulations, revisiting business processes to incorporate corresponding simulation talent and a strategy of digital transformation to tie it all together. This is where CXOs have to take up the responsibility to make this happen.

Here is a tentative to-do list for CXOs to consider if they want their companies to keep up with the digital transformation:

1. Be an Exceptional Salesperson

You may see the potential in adopting technologies such as VR and AR but the upper management may not. It will be your responsibility to explain to them why AR and VR are necessary for simulation training and what processes and technological improvements are needed for that.

2. Changing Conventional Training Approach

With the shift in digital transformation towards AR and VR, static training modules are rapidly becoming obsolete. Producing simulations will not be enough. It will be essential to certify that they are designed correctly and deliver the intended results. IT resources will be essential in supporting this change in approach.

3. Proactive Change in Business process

To incorporate the simulation training module, it is important to change the existing business processes. Some companies have already started to produce in-house production departments to support simulation training for employees.

4. Big Data Integration

Video simulations have gradually started to emerge as big data and digital technology and it is high time that companies integrate it into their business processes. It’s not a separate research project anymore, rather it is an integral part of the modern concept of business.

5. Add Cloud-Based Storage

Workers need to access large files of big data ubiquitously, which makes the cloud an ideal place to store data. There will be a dramatic expansion in the bandwidth needs for video simulation transport. These are the resources that cannot be implemented in the spur of the moment, rather, they should be carefully planned and budgeted for.

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