Your PC Now in Virtual Reality

Virtual Desktop was released in 2016 that lets you view your desktop computer and use it in VR. On 29th November, it was finally released on Gear VR and Oculus Go. A new version will be made available once Oculus Quest launches next year. Users can connect their desktops with VR headsets via wifi or…

Google Shoes Set to Overcome “VR Locomotion” Problem

Ever hesitated to explore the VR environment because you were worried you’d walk into a wall or stub your toe? If we’re ever going to have an immersive and holodeck-style experience, we need something that will not break its illusion by accidents. A few solutions have surfaced to figure out how to handle the “limited space”…

Holodeck Project to Unlock New Possibilities with VR & AR

Virtual reality and augmented reality, as standalone technologies, hold endless opportunities for future. Imagine the infinite possibilities that can happen when we combine both these technologies. Holodeck is a project initiated by New York University to explore how a dynamic combination of VR and AR can change our future communication. The Holodeck project has the…

Universal VR Height Module: One Size Fits All

If you’re working on developing a VR game, chances are that you’ve hit the problem of recalibrating and keeping scale of your game consistent with user height. Every time you create a virtual world, its set on a specific scale that follows the real-world architectural dimensions. Everything in that world is designed by keeping a…

Arcades to be the Knight in Shining Armor for VR

Virtual reality is a revolutionary technology and has received a lot of hype from the public. Even though VR has entered many industries, it still hasn’t reached the level of mass adoption. There are a lot of reasons why it hasn’t become a technology for masses, including its expensive hardware, and limited content. Generally speaking,…

Augmented reality – Collaborate from Anywhere

The consistently advancing technologies are consistently raising the bar on meeting productivity in terms of business communication. From the past few years, virtual reality and augmented reality has entered the realm of enterprises. As immersive technology has opened gateway to new ways of doing business, augmented reality has created a path to redefine the meaning…

Oculus Rift 2: Next Generation of Headsets Confirmed?

The recent departure of Brendan Irbe’s from Oculus generated a negative buzz about Oculus Rift 2 cancellation. However, the misconception was put to rest by Facebook as they reiterated that there was no truth to the rumors of Rift 2 cancellation: “While we can’t comment on our product road map specifics, we do have future…

How Gesture Control Can Let You Interact with Virtual Objects?

Rise of immersive technologies like Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality can be credited to bold and cutting-edge ideas captured in science fiction. While augmented reality has crossed the boundaries of what’s possible in sci-fi, it’s still hasn’t made that leap in real world. But continuous inventions are slowly bridging the gap between imagination and reality….

Telepresence: Extraordinary Power of VR

3D presentation and immersive nature of virtual reality has already taken interaction of people to next level. 3D video calling is catching up to skype, facetime and WhatsApp calling and may even surpass their popularity. It’s because VR calling gives the feeling of teleporting to your friends, family or colleagues. The rising question is to…

History of VR: From Lucid Dreaming to Sci-Fi Tech

Ever had those dreams when in the middle of it you become aware of it being a dream and tried to shift its direction to your will? It’s called lucid dreaming. Although people usually wake themselves up if you remain sleeping, you can do anything you want to. If you think about it, lucid dreaming…

Time Travel in VR: How Far Can You Go?

A lot has been said about VR taking people to different places, however, a new dimension has been taken up by a recent study: time. Putting together a convincing enough VR can let people experience time travel or at least the illusion of it. But they can’t experience time travel if they haven’t first taken…

Become a Part of Someone Else’s Virtual World with Mobile Spectator

Immersive technologies have been here for a while and the one goal that everyone is striving to achieve is to bridge the gap between virtual world and technology. Owlchemy Labs has taken us a step further in that direction with its recent tool that attempts to break the stigma of VR being a lonesome affair….