Google Shoes Set to Overcome “VR Locomotion” Problem

Ever hesitated to explore the VR environment because you were worried you’d walk into a wall or stub your toe? If we’re ever going to have an immersive and holodeck-style experience, we need something that will not break its illusion by accidents. A few solutions have surfaced to figure out how to handle the “limited space”…

History of VR: From Lucid Dreaming to Sci-Fi Tech

Ever had those dreams when in the middle of it you become aware of it being a dream and tried to shift its direction to your will? It’s called lucid dreaming. Although people usually wake themselves up if you remain sleeping, you can do anything you want to. If you think about it, lucid dreaming…

Ready Player One In Real Life Might Be Sooner Than You Think

Not long ago, Ready Player One took the VR world by storm, leaving tech enthusiasts reeling with endless possibilities. The fully immersive virtual reality in the movie might look impossible to replicate. But truth is that it may not be that long before Ready Player One walks among us. Take a look at how close…