HTC’s New Headset Is The Daydream Successor That Doesn’t Need A PC or Phone!

Google has announced the latest iteration of their immensely successful VR headset, the Daydream at Google I/O 2017, an unnamed HTC Headset. While it doesn’t look to dethroning its predecessor, the newer HTC Headset will act autonomously and will not require a phone, a PC, nor a set of wires restricting your movements! The to-be-named HTC Headset…

Oculus Rift Room-Scale VR Enters Public Test Channel via Update 1.15

Room-Scale Virtual Reality (VR) is a means of achieving greater immersion in the experience. Players are able to get out of the restrictions of the physical world around them and register empty spaces around their room for the VR headset to map the environment around. If before the game was going to keep you stationary,…

VR Is Now Recognised As Exercise: Australian Scientists

If you needed another reason to splurge out those big bucks for a big Virtual Reality (VR) purchase, now you have an excuse to do so! According to Australian scientists who have conducted extensive studies on participants, they have found that VR games are just as rewarding as regular exercise regiments. While this doesn’t mean…