Will Electronic-Skin Be the New Controller in VR?

Bulky controllers and complex setups have been like a thorn in the side of VR mass adoption since its very inception. Still, VR headsets, games and consoles have been grabbed by gamers in a huge number regardless of whether they use it consistently or if it’s sitting in a corner gathering layers of dust. Virtual…

Will Shared VR Experiences Change the Future of Entertainment?

The potential of VR is often thrown under the bus by virtual reality critics; arguing against its universal implication of isolation. Since its big break, VR has been plagued with one question that rises above most: do we really need another breakthrough that will further dampen human interaction? Devs and enthusiasts have tried to show…

AR & Telepresence Robots To Bring The Joys of City Life Everywhere

Cities have been of interest to people for centuries, pursuing the benefits and facilities which aren’t available otherwise. But with the incredible transformations taking place in everything around us, it’s not hard to imagine that city life experiences will start to transcend the boundaries of physical existence. Technological advancements riding on the wave of social…

A virtual space for your televisions – Oculus TV

What can be more exciting than watching television on Oculus TV, a software launched by Facebook. In the space of virtual reality people can now enjoy their favorite shows and movies on Oculus Go VR headset. A 180-inch screen is set up in front of user where different TV programs can be enjoyed in an…

Re-imagining Future of Content With AR Project MARS

The future of the world as seen through various sci-fi movies, games and theories is becoming more and more believable with the passage of time.  With the exponential advancement in technology, our minds are constantly thinking about how it’s going to change our world in the coming years. Mixed and Augmented Reality Studio (MARS) was…

Will Room-Scale Tracking Redefine VR Gaming Dynamics?

Virtual reality made its entrance in the market with enticing promises of future tech, especially leaving gamers salivating for the endless possibilities. VR was thought to change the gaming dynamics and let the gamers roam free in an immersive world while offering an escape from the constraints of the real one. Surprisingly, many a VR…

First Cross-Platform Browser for Mixed Reality

2018 has been the year of innovations, with some of the groundbreaking technologies announced by Apple, Google, uSens, and Kaaya Tech among others. With companies vying to deliver the best virtual reality experience to the users, Mozilla has also brought another solution to the ever-expanding VR and AR arena. The company recently shared the news of…

uSens Brings AI Based Hand Tracking SDK For Smartphones

With new and exciting VR and AR apps making their way to fame every day, uSens has focused its efforts on bringing their product solutions to wider audiences. Hand tracking is one such idea that the company is working on. Devs will be able to integrate smartphone applications with 3D motion recognition and tracking with…

AR Cloud to Rain on AR World

Technically the reality has been sliced into two major themes; Virtual and Augmented Reality. Nowadays, the hot topic is VR while AR is getting less attention but in the near future its technology may surpass that of virtual reality. From the past few years this technology has been growing and users are getting acquainted to…

6 Awesome Tips to Create A Killer VR Demo

Innovation conception is often credited to years of laborious works and an unnerving amount of money spent at the footstep of geniuses. Imagine doing all the right things to create an amazing product only to fail. Without a solid marketing strategy, there’s no guarantee that your product will even reach your target audience. This is…

Project Aero: The Next Big Reveal in AR

Following the introduction of ARKit 2.0 by Apple, Adobe announced its new AR authoring tool,  Project Aero. Essentially, Adobe aims to cross the level of Unity Technologies and Unreal Engine 4 – the 3D-focused businesses considered to be the leading tools for augmented reality. Adobe has already secured the position of top creative software maker with…